Laura Perspicace
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Cerco i miei cugini – Figli adottivi cercano genitori biologici

Anselmo is looking for his relatives in USA 🇺🇸 ❣️❣️❣️

Anselmo writes,

i’m looking for my relatives who emigrated to the USA on 05/07/1893, landed in one of the two ports of Castle Garden or Ellis Island by Elysia ship:

Giuseppe Zacconi husband born on 1821 in Bologna;

Annetta Zacconi Serranto (maiden Sersante Annetta) wife;

Adelina Zacconi daughter;

Arturo Zacconi son.

Giuseppe’s son, from his first wife Lucia Lipparini, Ermete Zacconi was a famous actor and playwright in Europe.

I hope someone recognizes this story.

I ask you to share my appeal as much as possible so that I can find my relatives in the USA.

Maximum share in USA 🇺🇸 ❣️❣️❣️

Lucia writes to me,

i’m looking for my cousins:

my grandfather’s grandchildren Natale Romano born in 1893 in Santo Stefano del Sole (AV).

My grandfather had departed from Naples to go to USA passing by Ellis Island with the ship Konig Albert.

He had children in America.

I ask you to share my appeal as much as possible so that I can find my cousins.
